Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Here in Buffalo New York it is DAMN COLD!!!
I dont know why i complain anymore, cause ive lived here my whole life
and have dealt with it every year for the past 23 years.
But every year i feel shocked by all the snow that just dumps on us
and shocked when its below freezing while waiting for the school bus! 
So i have become even more pleased that i have no job, life, and/or friends and don't have to leave my house in this crap!
I guess i have to have a positive mind when dealing with feet of snow and frigid temperatures!
I am patiently waiting for December to be over and the holiday stress to be over with it. 
Then on to the New Year with maybe a fresh start for a good year? 
Then bring on spring and nice weather....HaHA

Now its Follow me Back Tuesday time and the Tuesday Train
