*Favorite 80s flick?
i was excited to see this because my all time favorite movie is Overboard! I am 23 years old and thats exactly how old that movie is! I can watch it all day long every day. good thing for me its on tv a lot! ( my other half watched it once said it was good and whines when i watch it)*One genre of music needs to be banned. Which genre?
I dont know what its called but its the kind where those emo kids scream and think thats called music. like seriously wtf are you saying? cause all i hear is my head pounding
*All time favorite candy?
Man thats kind of hard, as of this minute my favorite candy is the new peanut M&M's and if you haven't tried them yet, go and try some right now! they are AMAZING
*How 'flawed' is your driving record?
Ha Ha pretty flawed but because of stupid stuff like lapse of insurance god damn insurance
*What was your high school mascot?
An Indian
What color socks are you wearing?
none, im a flip flop fan, well i dont have sneakers that fit so no socks till its cold
Now its your turn, answer the question and link up!
I lost my license once because of insurance or lack of it.